Reboot and Rejuvenate
An integrated lifestyle medicine program offering neuroscience-led strategies to help you optimise brain health and live a longer, happier life.
Our February program is now full. If you would like to be notified of new program dates, please enter your details below.
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This new and exciting group program provides neurobiological insights into your brain’s functioning towards optimal mental and physical health.
We understand that people living with mental health conditions are often offered a ‘one size fits all’ approach which fails to recognise the unique needs and symptoms experienced by individuals.
At BaMH we recognise an urgent need for change and our approach leverages a deep understanding of neurobiology, stress, and trauma and its effects on mental and physical health. Our commitment is to offer evidence-based targeted treatment approaches that address specific symptoms and supports optimal health outcomes.
To help keep you motivated along the way, if you sign up for and attend all six sessions, you'll go in to the draw to win a prize!
Our February Reboot & Rejuvenate program is currently full. Enter your details below and we'll be in touch when new program dates are announced.
What happens at Reboot and Rejuvenate?
This 6-week program incorporates cutting-edge neuroscience to promote brain health across the lifespan. Introducing basic concepts, tips and tricks to support whole-health wellbeing, adding life to your years and years to your life.
Facilitated by Dr Phoebe Slape (Lifestyle Medicine physician) and Tara Mueller (Psychologist), Reboot and Rejuvenate combines the latest research and cutting-edge neuroscience with evidence-based psychological and behavioural change skills to improve your understanding of the brain and key impacts for health. As a group, you’ll find additional support and encouragement from other members as you all share the journey towards better health.
Who can attend the group?
Reboot and Rejuvenate is open to anyone wanting to learn more about how to optimise brain health and translate this into real-life changes that benefit you.
This group program is part of a wider offering from our Lifestyle Medicine team who provide ‘whole of person’ health assessments and responsive psychological support tailored to meet the needs of each individual. If you are interested in knowing more about this service, you can make an enquiry here.
BaMH group programs are grounded in Peer Support Values
At Brain & Mind Hub,
we value the role of lived
experience in promoting
authentic connection,
hope and recovery.
That's why most of our group programs are facilitated by members of our Lived Experience Peer Work team, so you can feel confident that our groups are developed and operated with Peer Work values at their core.