PTSD and trauma-related mental healthcare
Our PTSD and trauma treatment program helps you to understand and recover from the impacts of trauma and supports you to move on towards the life you want to be living.
Significant evidence indicates structural and functional brain changes occur in response to adult and childhood trauma. Consistent findings suggest childhood maltreatment at sensitive exposure periods is associated with alterations in critical brain regions which together process and consolidate emotions.
After a traumatic experience or repeated trauma, the world is experienced through a changed nervous system. The resulting alterations to the appraisal of risk and safety result in enduring difficulties regulating biological and emotional responses throughout life.
Our approaches are designed to address these changes and to restore adaptive functioning through restoration of the underlying brain changes.
Approaching the resulting distress from a framework of memories of discreet experiences may not give lasting relief, we take a comprehensive approach to address change in the neural circuitry through multi-modal treatments including:
- Psychological therapies to help understanding and self-compassion
- EMDR to help you think in a different way about what happened
- Body-centred therapies to help you breathe calmly and feel grounded in your body, helping to facilitate your engagement with your internal sensory system and reestablish your relationship to yourself
- Neurofeedback to re-shape the brain to a different configuration to be open to new experiences
- TMS and ketamine treatments facilitate neural plasticity and restore connectivity of critical brain circuitry
Almost everyone will experience trauma at some point in their lives. These moments challenge our understanding of the world and our sense of safety. After the traumatic experience, strong emotions may be present such as fear, sadness, guilt or anger.
As the event is processed in the following weeks, these feelings normally start to subside, and the impact is lessened. However, for some people the trauma can lead to mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety and substance use, with a negative effect on their life.
Some people develop a set of reactions to the trauma including intrusive memories, flashbacks, avoiding reminders, feeling jumpy and experiencing negative thoughts and feelings about themselves or the world. PTSD can be successfully treated even if your traumatic experience was a long time ago.
We understand and acknowledge the significant impact of trauma and we are committed to build stories of response and walk alongside you to learn and respond to your needs.
Together we assess the impact of the trauma and develop a personalised, brain-based plan using a variety of treatment modalities, working towards understanding and recovering from trauma.
We recognise the importance of feeling safe and being heard and our empathetic staff work from a trauma informed approach, working sensitively alongside you to foster trust, collaboration, positive interactions and personal experiences enabling voice and choice towards your recovery goals.
Our PTSD and trauma treatment program offers a series of interventions according to where you are at on your recovery journey. Our innovative approach uses evidence-based treatments such as body-centred therapies, creative therapies, EMDR, neurofeedback, and ketamine treatment to foster growth and healing.
How to be referred
You are welcome to self-refer to this program, but we appreciate communication from your general practitioner or psychiatrist. Some treatments require a referral from a medical practitioner.
Get in touch to see whether this treatment option could be helpful for you
Your treatment journey
Connect with our services
We know it can be hard and overwhelming to ask for help, but our dedicated support team are here to help, every step of the way.
To make an initial appointment, click the button below to complete our enquiry form and one of our friendly staff will be in touch with you shortly.
Please note: You will require a referral from your Medical Practitioner prior to booking an appointment with one of our psychiatrists. If you would like to speak with our team first, please call us on (07) 5220 8793.
Screening call
Once we receive your intake form, our support team will give you a call to discuss your next steps and connect you with a psychiatrist that can meet your individual needs.
Treatment plan or review process
Your journey is unique, as so is your treatment plan. We work alongside you to create a plan that aligns with your mental health wellbeing goals. Continuous evaluation and refinement of your treatment plan are integral components of our commitment to your ongoing growth and progress.
At BaMH, we conduct regular reviews to assess the effectiveness of your current interventions, considering any changes in your circumstances or treatment goals. These reviews serve as opportunities for reflection, collaboration, and adjustment, ensuring that your care remains personalised and responsive to your evolving needs.
We have a multidisciplinary team of mental health experts working with a range of treatment modalities and techniques. All our service offerings are considered when developing your treatment plan, to ensure you receive the latest in personalised and holistic care.