ADHD & neurodevelopmental disorders

Our team of expert clinicians and neuroscientists have collaborated to deliver cutting-edge treatment and support for people experiencing ADHD.

Our BaMH team understand the neurobiology of ADHD, and this means we can refine diagnosis and select therapeutic options to optimise treatment outcomes.

We think outside the box to bring novel treatments and improved understanding through integrated precision psychiatry and lifestyle medicine.

Alterations in executive functioning such as difficulties concentrating, increased distractibility, and reduced impulse control are commonly experienced by people with ADHD. Neuroimaging studies have reported abnormal brain activation in fronto-striatal and parietal regions during executive function tasks and EEG studies indicate a preponderance for abnormal slow wave activity within frontal brain regions.

Our brain-based assessment and treatment pathways are designed to facilitate brain changes to improve attention, emotion regulation and executive functioning. These changes support improved functional outcomes including memory, cognition, sleep and mood.

We offer an evidence based, holistic and integrated treatment pathway:

  • Precision diagnostics and biomarker identification through EEG
  • Body-centered therapies facilitating improved cortisol levels, decreased anxiety and improved mood and task-oriented attention
  • Enhanced psychological wellbeing through stabilisation of the sympathetic nervous system, increased serotonin levels and integrated sense of self 
  • Neurofeedback assisted self-regulation by reshaping neural activity, improving focus and attention
  • Psychological therapies that promote positive self-esteem and support behaviour change 
  • Precision psychiatry and tailored treatment planning

Learn more about

how we approach ADHD

at BaMH

What to expect during

your treatment journey

as a BaMH client

  • What is ADHD?
  • How we can help
  • Is it right for me?
What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder with onset typically before 12 years of age. It causes developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity which leads to problems socially, at school or at work. Around 7-10% of children are affected, and it has a strong genetic component which means there is often more than one person in a family seeking support. 

In adults, it includes a combination of persistent problems such as difficulty paying attention, hyperactivity and impulse control. It can contribute to unstable relationships, poor work performance and low self-esteem.

ADHD can have lifelong effects which significantly impact a person's ability to achieve educational and employment goals and aspirations, and social and relationship happiness, resulting in a reduced quality of life.

How we can help

Difficulties with diagnosis and a lack of understanding by health staff often result in lengthy wait times for assessment, diagnosis and treatment.

We take a longitudinal view of person’s life, including individual characteristics, social, emotional, educational and vocational settings. Our empathetic team work sensitively to develop a shared understanding and to exclude other conditions that may have similar symptoms. 

We understand the neurobiology of ADHD and that enables us to offer more effective treatments, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological, within a precision psychiatry and lifestyle medicine framework.

Is it right for me?

Almost everyone has symptoms that are similar to ADHD at some point in their life, but if your symptoms have come on recently or occur only occasionally it's probably not ADHD. 

ADHD is only diagnosed where symptoms are severe enough to cause ongoing problems in more than one area in your life and the persistent symptoms can be traced back to early childhood.

We offer a neurodivergent-friendly and trauma sensitive approach and assess and treat people aged 5-17 years and adults. Our experienced team specialise in taking the time to understand your journey and to develop a unique and tailored support and treatment plan. Encompassing a holistic approach, our treatment addresses the brain alterations that accompany ADHD. 

If you would like to find out more about how we approach ADHD, please get in touch. You can self-refer to our programs but we appreciate communication from your supporting medical practitioners.

Get in touch to see whether this treatment option could be helpful for you.

Your treatment journey


Connect with our services

We know it can be hard and overwhelming to ask for help, but our dedicated support team are here to help, every step of the way.  


To make an initial appointment, click the button below to complete our enquiry form and one of our friendly staff will be in touch with you shortly.


Screening call

Once we receive your intake form, our support team will give you a call to discuss your next steps and connect you with a team that can meet your individual needs.


Treatment plan or review process

Your journey is unique, as is your treatment plan. We work alongside you to create a plan that aligns with your mental health wellbeing goals. Continuous evaluation and refinement of your treatment plan are integral components of our commitment to your ongoing growth and progress.  


At BaMH, we regularly talk with you to assess the effectiveness of your current interventions, consider any changes in your circumstances or treatment goals. These reviews serve as opportunities for reflection, collaboration, and adjustment, ensuring that your care remains personalised and responsive to your evolving needs. 


We have a multidisciplinary team of mental health experts working with a range of treatment modalities and techniques. All our service offerings are considered when developing your treatment plan, to ensure you receive the latest in personalised and holistic care.

Funding & Rebates

Funding your treatment

For details about treatment fees, please contact our friendly Reception team to discuss available options to fund your treatment.

Financial Hardship

Our commitment to affordability means that individuals and families can receive high-quality mental health services without undue financial strain. Through our sliding fee scale process, we collaborate with each individual to assess their financial situation and tailor a fee structure that aligns with their needs. This individualised approach ensures that no one is turned away due to financial constraints.  

You can notify us of your request for reduced fees in your intake forms, by contacting us directly or speaking with our support team.

Cancellation policy

To help us provide care to as many people as possible, we ask that you give a minimum of 48 hours notice if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment. This allows us to reallocate that time appropriately for others in need.

If less than 48 hours notice is given or if clients are a no-show for a scheduled appointment without any prior notice, there is a cancellation fee of 100% of the appointment cost.

This fee does not qualify for a Medicare rebate and must be paid in full before your next appointment.

To reschedule an appointment, please contact Reception

Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can offer support to you or a loved one, or if you are a healthcare provider and would like to make a referral.