New appointment enquiry form

To enquire about booking an initial appointment, please complete the form below and one of our friendly team members will be in touch with you soon.

Alternatively, you can call us directly on (07) 5220 8793 if you prefer.

If the person seeking treatment is under 18 years old, please ensure the Support Person Details section at the end of the form is complete before submitting, as these details are required to process your enquiry.

This form is for people who would like to make their first appointment at Brain & Mind Hub Sunshine Coast.

If you are currently receiving support, please click here to view your options for booking additional or future appointments.

Details of the person seeking support

Keeping your personal information secure 

We place the highest importance on protecting the sensitive personal and health-related information of people seeking support and treatment at Brain & Mind Hub Sunshine Coast, as well as the privacy of their support people.  


We have comprehensive measures in place to ensure the security of your personal and sensitive information, and you can learn more by viewing our Privacy Policy at

Our Privacy Policy is consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles, and we ensure that all sensitive personal and health-related information collected and stored meets this standard. This includes using encrypted software in the management of all sensitive personal and health-related information. The information collected will be used to provide the support you have contacted BaMH / TBMH for, and will not be released to a third party without your prior consent. The information you provide may be used for research purposes, in which circumstances, BaMH / TBMH will de-identify your sensitive personal and health-related information to respect your privacy.